From this moment, to this moment
Right here right now
I want to have sex with you.
Love waits for us outside the almost closed door
To be picked up on our way out
And to be used on someone else.
Each time you come and go
I want to tell you
I don't run a brothel in my mind
I open my clothes for you
My tears
make interesting patterns
on your shirt.
They will dry again
when you leave
and she wont see the stains
that aren't there.
In one vulnerable moment
I lift the heavy curtain of hair
And show you the secret mole
What I don't tell you is to kiss me there
And when you don't hear my unmouthed words
The curtain descends again
And we both shrug off the uncomfortable moment
When I gave you more.
And you wanted less.
I want to have sex with you.
Love waits for us outside the almost closed door
To be picked up on our way out
And to be used on someone else.
Each time you come and go
I want to tell you
I don't run a brothel in my mind
I open my clothes for you
My tears
make interesting patterns
on your shirt.
They will dry again
when you leave
and she wont see the stains
that aren't there.
In one vulnerable moment
I lift the heavy curtain of hair
And show you the secret mole
What I don't tell you is to kiss me there
And when you don't hear my unmouthed words
The curtain descends again
And we both shrug off the uncomfortable moment
When I gave you more.
And you wanted less.